Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
- What is FERPA?
FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.
When a student enrolls in an institution of higher education, he or she becomes subject to the FERPA regulations that govern all colleges and universities. Regardless of age, a student enrolled in a college or university must provide consent to any third party requesting access to his or her education records.
- How can someone else access my student records?
A student's education record may only be released to parents or other third parties under one of the following conditions:
The student has provided consent through the Student Consent form In compliance with a subpoena In connection with a health or safety issue Submission of evidence that the student was declared a dependent on the most recent Federal Income Tax forms, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Section 152, through the Financial Dependency form
- What is directory information, and what if I don't want it released?
The University may release the following directory information upon request: student's name; local address (including e-mail); telephone numbers; likeness used in University publications including photographs; names and addresses of emergency contact; dates of attendance; school or division of enrollment; enrollment status; field of study; class; credits hours earned; degrees or certificates earned; honors received; participation in University recognized organizations and activities (including intercollegiate athletics); and height, weight, and age of members of athletic teams. Date of birth will be considered directory information only for the purpose of complying with applicable laws.
Any student who does not wish directory information released must file written notice to this effect in the Office of the Registrar using the Confidentiality Request form.
- Are there exceptions to disclosing my student record data?
In general, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits the University to share education records or personally identifiable information from these records without the student's consent, provided the disclosure aligns with the criteria outlined in FERPA 34 CFR § 99.31.