Final Exam Schedule

Academic Scheduling schedules final exams for the majority of on-campus courses. Final exams are only scheduled for lecture sections, not for labs, discussions, recitations, etc. Off-campus final exams are scheduled by each individual department. All undergraduate final exams must be given during the final exam period listed in the academic calendar and must be given on the day and time listed in the final exam schedule

The final exam matrix is available for the following terms and can be used for planning purposes:

Spring 2025 Final Exam Matrix

Graduate exams must be given during the final exam period but are not automatically scheduled. If the professor would like to schedule an exam during the final exam period, the department must make a request to Academic Scheduling. Graduate exam requests are accepted once all undergraduate exams have been scheduled.

Student FAQs

What if I cannot find my class on the final exam schedule?

If you do not see your class listed, we did not receive confirmation from the department that a final exam would be given. Please contact the academic department to find out if a final exam will be given.

Will my final exam be held in the same room where my class met?

Not necessarily. You should always check the final exam schedule to confirm the building and room. Please be advised that due to conflicts that may arise, the location of a final exam can change up to three (3) days before the actual exam is given.

Can I reschedule a final exam?

University policy regarding final exam conflicts states that one final exam may be rescheduled if a student has three or more final exams scheduled on the same day. To the greatest extent possible and without interfering with the integrity of the exam, students who are observing a religious holiday during the final examination period shall be allowed to have any examination rescheduled that conflicts with their day(s) of religious observance. In the case that a student is observing a religious holiday that coincides with the entirety of the examination period, the student shall be allowed to reschedule necessary examinations to alternative days/times to eliminate the need to take more than one final examination in a given day. In order to reschedule an exam, a make-up exam must be rescheduled at least three weeks prior to the last day of classes. Whenever possible, the make-up exam should take place during the final exam period. The rescheduling must be achieved in consultation with all instructors involved, and whenever possible the student selects which exam to reschedule.

Faculty FAQs

What if I need more time to give my final exam than what is provided in the schedule?

While all final exams must begin at the time scheduled by the university, exams can go beyond the scheduled end time provided the instructor makes arrangements with Academic Scheduling to reserve the classroom beyond the standard two-hour period.

What if I would like to change the room assigned to my final exam?

Classroom assignments can be changed up until three (3) days prior to the scheduled exam date. Instructors should submit a request to Academic Scheduling. Please be advised that classroom assignments can change due to conflicts up until that date, so you should check your assignment within three (3) days prior to your exam.

What if I have a conflict with my scheduled final exams?

Exams are scheduled to avoid as many conflicts with other exams as possible; however, conflicts do occasionally occur. If you have a conflict, please contact Academic Scheduling as soon as possible for rescheduling.